Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! My Typical Day as a Mother of Two Toddlers

There are some days that I really wish I had a break. The kids are fighting and crying, I am tired. There is no hope for them to nap at the same time, leaving me without a break for the day almost everyday. I know my husband understands my job is not easy but the suggestions that he gives to help me manage my time just don’t work in the real world. I feel like I am always on and I never get a break. I really feel that people think nap time is a break but it is not, you are still listening for your little one and sometimes it is hard to dive into a project unsure of how much time you have. My typical day is as follows.

6-7 am: Wakeup. Since we are all currently in one room, which will change in a month our wakeup call is usually my husbands alarm.

7-8am: Diaper changes, milk, and breakfast. I also usually have dishes from the dinner the night before to do. Kids play and end up pushing or shoving each other which means I am referee. Also I am asked for milk at least 20 times during the next 3 hours.

8-9am: My oldest is already asking for a snack and/or milk. Followed by crying if she doesn’t get her way. Occasionally there is some peaceful play time, but there is also a lot of “can’t do it, NO, stop it, and don’t touch me.” I also start to look for something to do for the day to get everyone out of our tiny house. (About every three days do I get to do something for myself.)

9-11am: Getting ready to leave. This always takes a while between the kids fighting and getting everyone dressed. Sometimes it requires me to chase them down because one always has a poopy diaper and doesn’t want to be changed. Feed them lunch and N takes a nap while C “rests” or I pack a lunch to bring with us.

11-1pm: If we are home this is N’s nap time otherwise it is travel and nap in the car. This is the most peace I get during the day but with a two year old that doesn’t nap often I am still on.

1-4pm: Some type outdoor activity and/errands. Snacks, always snacks.

4-5pm: Travel back to the house.

5-8pm: Dinner, bath, story and bed. In between there are meltdowns because dinner is not ready in two seconds. Bath is mostly calm until N decides he is going to stand up thinks it is funny I am telling him no. Wrestling PJs on and finally bed.

At this point I am exhausted and ready for bed. Some days I get work done but more than not I become a zombie. I know that things will change and to enjoy the now, but let’s be honest it feels long while you are in it.

This entry was published on July 10, 2014 at 7:00 am. It’s filed under Raising Kids and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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