Day 19-23 Challenge: Kids Carnival to Blueberry Picking

The past five days have been so full of fun things.

Day 19
My husband took three days off and with his first day we went to the Fireman Carnival. Bought 20 tickets ($20) for the kids to get on the rides, walked around the entire carnival and C wanted nothing to do with any of the rides. I certainly was not going to let them go to waste so I started to look for a ride for me. That’s when we passed a train and C asked to get on it. This thing was the slowest most boring ride at the carnival but the kids had a blast. After the ice was broken C was ready to ride everything. At the end of our evening a huge storm cloud formed in the direction we had to walk home. So we packed up the kids and started the hike home. At first the rain was a drizzle and then turned into buckets falling on our heads. So the second time in two days the kids and I, this time my husband too, were soaking wet.
Day 20
The Fourth of July…it rained all day and it was fantastic. We watched movies, played and stayed in the house all day. I had this illusion that the kids would stay up to see the fireworks but both were fast asleep by 8. C did wake up around 10 crying and instead of us putting her back to bed we brought her outside and lit sparklers. She just thought it was amazing. I think she really thought it was awesome she was awake and N was asleep. It was her own little special thing that she did with just us.

Day 21
After a full day in the house we woke up to the most beautiful day outside, 80s, breezy, and sunny. We headed out to Muscoot Farm. I packed a picnic, well I packed PB&J for the kids, Tim and I stopped at a local deli for a couple of sandwiches ($12.75).

Muscoot Farm had all kinds farm animals for the kids to see. The animals are not to pet and the have signs all over the place to remind you but my kids love to watch and wave to the animals. There we lots of babies for us to see, pigs, goats, chickens, C just thought the babies were so cute.

After we visited all the animals we headed out to walk the paths around the farm. The one we went on was fine for a stroller until it went up a steep hill with a lot of erosion on the path. The day was lovely and the best thing it was FREE!


Day 22
My husband went back to work today so I was on my own with the kids and I was tired so we stuck close to home. A short walk to the school playground followed by playing in the courtyard, kept the kids entertained and gave me a much needed break.

Day 23
Berry picking at Fishkill Farms. I absolutely love this place. You may remember a couple weeks back we went here to pick strawberries and play in the grass. I really love the fact I can let my toddlers run around and there really isn’t anything they can get hurt on. The scenery is beautiful and the kids learn about where our food comes from.
There was a lot of pick your own today but we stuck to the green beans and blueberries. I brought a picnic as well, pasta mixed with fresh tomato, basil, avocado, applewood smoked bacon and olive oil. Yum. The kids just ate it up.


I really love to take my kids to spend time in nature and enjoy the world outside of television. I really hope to find more activities to fill our days. Day 24 is dance class and I am unsure what the afternoon has in store for us.

Money Spent
$32.75=$29.35 left to spend in 7 days

This entry was published on July 7, 2014 at 7:10 pm. It’s filed under Free in Westchester, Kids activities, Playground, U Pick and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Follow any comments here with the RSS feed for this post.

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